Sordum 实用辅助小工具

1268°C 28-07-2020 notbyai
最近更新于:2022-06-15 23:58:40


Standby API Responsing..


前面写向日葵(sunLogin)的时候说到了 hidetoolz 这个进程保护器只能够暂时保护进程,重启后就失效需要重新设置,不过我最近找 win10 关闭 defender 工具的时候偶然又找到了一些好东西。

笔记与 远控软件向日葵的 SAO 操作 同步更新


About Sordum

We were founded in 2004 (Berlin – Germany) , in that times I was a student in the Technical University of Berlin , I dont know Why but solve the computer problems make me relax (strange !!!) . In 2006 we have registered a domain name ( and started writing articles here . when I was in Turkey (July 2009) I have noticed that youtube was banned there, then I have written a little vbs script to change the DNS settings , It was the first version of Dns Jumper , People loved it (except Turkish government) and our domain ( have been banned from Turkey but In these times luckily we started to work together with Bluelife , Improved Dns Jumper and other sordum’s software

Our mission is : highest quality freeware development and simplify the computer usage , hosting downloads is expensive business and sites that directly link to us take away our visitors which means we can’t afford to keep them up. It’s pretty much theft , Please be careful on download pages and download sordum’s software only from the official website (

上面的网址 SORDUM 是软件提供商(软件多语言支持中文,系统支持上至WIN10下至XP),该网站提供了不少他们开发的小工具,大多均为免费软件而且非常实用(freeware 部分软件高级功能注册收费),免费的功能已经完全能够满足软件大部分需求了,以下我挑了两个软件

  • AskAdmin v1.7
  • Hide From Uninstall List v1.0


第一个 askadmin 看名字就知道(问管理员)是一款防熊孩子的软件,包括但不限于禁用程序、文件夹、服务UWP、CMD等等,非常好用,看一下官方简介(非常适合有熊孩子的人)

Do you wish to restrict some users from accessing certain programs, services, and files on a computer? With AskAdmin, you can simply block access to chosen applications, files, and folder contents. AskAdmin can block most any resource on your computer, including Microsoft Store, Microsoft EDGE, Google Chrome, Skype, built-in apps (e.g. UWP), CMD & BAT files/scripts, reg data and more. To further prevent access to blocked items, AskAdmin provides an optional password. AskAdmin is a portable application that is ideal for those with children, band for business computers.


Hide From Uninstall List(hideUL)

第二个 hideUL 是一款指定隐藏软件卸载工具,

You may want to hide one or more entries added by software setup(s) in Add/Remove Programs (also known as “Programs and Features”, “Uninstall a Program”, “Add or Remove Programs” ) under Windows,There can be several reasons for this


  1. You do not want anybody to know the program is installed on computer.
  2. You do not want somebody uninstall it.
  3. The app is already removed but the entry left in the list.




官网上面提及了,这里再提供服务器下载链接(也可以在 /download 页面下载)

AskAdmin HideUL


这几个工具配合简直如虎添翼,那怕是稍微懂点电脑的,巴拉一顿操作之后也肯定一脸懵逼~ 首先禁用远控软件,开机自启后控制无提示图标,再用之前注册表方法关掉开始菜单卸载通道,打开 askadmin 把远控目录加入,禁用任务管理器,然后打开 hideul 隐藏远控,完事再禁用 hideul 完成。

完成上述步骤后打开任意被限制功能都会失效弹窗,也就达到了向日葵企业版无痕远控目的所在~(win7/10均以测试通过) 不知道能不能把 askadmin 禁了,不过可以隐藏掉(软件高级功能自带密码,更方便了)



既来之则留之~ 欢迎在下方留言评论,提交评论后还可以撤销或重新编辑。(Valine 会自动保存您的评论信息到浏览器)